Tuesday, 10 May 2011

St. Anthony!!!

Well after all the build up and excitement.... I finally made it to St. Anthony. I arrived on March 7, 2011. I flew out of Halifax at 6:30am that morning to arrive at the St. John's airport to get the connecting flight to St. Anthony.  I had been told by many who have flown to small airport in NFLD before that the plain would be a 4 seater  and that it would be one of the most terrifying experiences of my life...  but I learned long ago to go into new experiences with no expectations and with an open mind.... so that is what I did.  The plain ended up being a 38 seater, and I actually just slept the whole way, it all went off without any problems or anxieties... YAY!  I traveled with 3 other girls from my nursing class, we all discussed all the possibilities of what we would find once we arrived in St. Anthony, it was actually kind of fun to imagine this seemingly far off land that for some reason we had all decided to take employment.

We were greeted at the St. Anthony airport, aka the St. Anthony shed, by a shuttle and it's driver, Danny.  He was really funny and entertained the 4 of us the 35 minute drive into town. I'll try to remember some of the interesting facts that he shared during the drive...  Human population of Newfoundland and Labrador is approx. 500 000 people, population of Moose is 160 000.  WOW!!  Apparently they brought 4 moose over from New Brunswick in 1904 and they numbers grew from there.  Besides his shuttle service Danny also runs a Moose sighting tour, where he takes tourists around so that they can see moose... hmmm cool.  Driving into town there was a set of stop lights.. he says "Dere e ownly one set a top lights in Staintny and dey're oways green."  Well there ya go.

                                                 Danny and I! :)

He also pointed to the part of town where the polar bear was seen a couple weeks ago. Turns out Mr. polar bear wanted to make some friends in Friendship park...

Anyyywayy... We all got settled into our apartments, I had a single place originally but the next night I moved into a double with my friend Sarah.  It is such a nice apt.!  And we were temporarily placed in the "Old Hospital" which is attached to the one where we work, so we don't even have to go outside to go to work.  Co-op is right across the road and the church that Sarah and I went to on Sunday is just a 3 min walk... talk about a convenient location!!

Monday, May 9 was my first day of work.  Basically we were given tours of the hospital, introduced to some people, took part in treats to celebrate Nurse's week. It was a good day! :)  We also were able to give our preference as to what unit we would like to work, I said maternity... so we will see!!  Eventually we will be trained other floors but until fall we should be keeping to one mainly.  Sarah and I also were able to request to be on the same rotation so that we will have the same days off, this will be great so that on our days off we will be able to plan fun things to do! :)

Today was the second day, it was pretty boring, just general hospital orientation so a lot of different people came to tell us about... what they do and all that, a lot of confidentiality and safety talks, the usual orientation stuff. I found out that I got my placement on the maternity unit, yay! I just hope that this was a good decision, and will not make more nervous about labour and delivery... :)  The unit is a combination of obs, gyn, labour and delivery and pediatrics, as well as over flow beds for if other units are too full.  When we had the orientation and we went into the delivery room just the sight of the bed gave me anxiety... THAT IS WHERE MY CHILD WILL COME OUT OF ME... ahhhh!!

So now finally I have brought the blog up to date.  It took me a little while, blogging takes a lot more time than I thought... So today I think I am 16 weeks and 3 days (according to my last ultrasound). I have an apt. at the prenatal clinic tomorrow morning, I am so excited!!  I will give up dates tomorrow night when I get home!! I am pumped!!  I will put my first belly picture up tn as well.. but just to warn you I'm really not showing all that much so don't get too excited, but I have been eating a lot and very healthy, drinking lots of water, taking my vitamins, getting enough exercise, avoiding all the bad stuff (not even having coffee when I was falling asleep during orientation!!).  So I'm sure everything tomorrow will be great and I will have only good news for you all tomorrow!

That is all for now!  Missing friends and family all around the globe... hoping that everyone is great and healthy and as happy as I am :)

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