Friday, 13 May 2011

Everything is wonderful in dinosaur land...

Hello!  Sorry no new posts for the last 2 days but the site was down :(

So I have some updates, but no new pics so the posts will be a bit barren, but..  oh well this one is about beautiful, sweet little T-Rex so really there need not be any pictures cuz just the thought of the little angel is enough, right??  haha :)

So I'm writing this post in retrospect because the blogger was down for a few days but this is for Wednesday, May 11, 2011.

I had an appointment at the prenatal clinic, yay!  I was so excited before I went, to see if I finally gained weight, and hopefully they would use the doppler so that I could hear the heartbeat, and basically just reassurance that everything is going okay and most importantly that baby T-Rex is safe and healthy and growing all that good stuff! :)

I got to the appt. which was with a obstetrician and a midwife, turns out midwives are the ones that attend deliveries here, so that is pretty neat :)  I'm am very anxious about the whole labour and delivery thing, but hopefully as it get closer I will get some... information and prep talk stuff that will lessen the fear a little bit.   So at the appt. I gave a urine sample, pretty standard, everything checked out there :) And then I got to hear baby's heart beat, awww, I was so happy!!  For some reason you always just like so be sure little baby is still tickin in there, I could listen to that sound all day I think and be just so in love :)!  The midwife also felt for my fundus and that was good too! :)  Yay everything great :), I still really havn't gained any weight, maybe a pound er so, but they didn't seem too concerned, I think that by the book I should have gained like 6-8 lbs by now but... oh well, everyone is different I guess :) I have been eating plenty, that is for sure!  I have my next appt. scheduled for June 8th and my ultrasound May 29!! Sooooo excited, I hope I can find out if T-Rex is a baby boy or girl :)  I can barely stand the anticipation :)  I can't wait to see baby again, I remember the first time I was so in awe, love at first sight :)  I am going to ask if I can have a picture of the ultrasound but I heard that sometimes they don't want to, dunno why, but hopefully since I work there I will have an in! :)  I will keep you all updated on any news on that :)

I also had a referral to a "Healthy Babies Club" and to the family resource center, both just across the road.  I have an appt. with the nurse from family resources on May 24, I don't know what it is for, but she called today to set up the appt. and said it was an assessment, so I think she is going to make sure I'm a fit parent and that I have everything I need, so that sounds good :)  The Heathy Baby Club happened to be that night so I went, it was good... It was really nice to meet other expecting mothers in the community.  There was supposed to be a guest speaker but she couldn't make it which was kind of unfortunate. Next week we will learn about pain management and positioning during labour, so I think that will be beneficial for me.  I'm really excited to go!! :)

So there ya go, T-Rex is healthy and safe, and Momma-to-be is happy and healthy, but starting to really miss home and everyone who isn't here, which is pretty much everybody :(

I hope all of you are safe and healthy and all that good stuff. I've been really enjoying hearing feedback from friends and family about my blog :)  I'm glad that people are enjoying it and actually reading it! :)  It seems that readers are not able to comment, at the end of each post there is written "0 comments" if you click on that I think you can comment, I may be wrong.  If not then I would love to hear from you, updates on everyone and your thoughts and feelings, so my email that I check is or PRIVATE msg me on fb if there is anything about baby stuff, just cuz I like to keep privacy, but ne thing else is fair game for the wall!
Love you all and I can't wait to hear from you!

ps. I think I should also give updates on Corey too, just incase some of you are wondering about him and havn't talked to him :)  He is good, safe and happy :)  He is working in Alberta for a company that repairs oil rigs. He is living with his boss, his wife and son, along with another guy from work who just moved in this week.  Up until this tuesday Corey didn't have the safety course that allowed him to go out on the jobs so he was doing work on his own in the shop, not too fun, but he is learning lots :)!  Since tuesday he has been back out on the field, so that is a lot better for him, today he is going to work about 15 hours!!  He is working so hard, I am so proud of him! :)  From what I can tell he is doing well, I wish he was here but right now it is really important for the both of us to get our finances in order, although I've been asking around here for jobs, :)  I would LOVE for him to be here with me and Rex, and I think he would too, but I am very happy for him and support everything he does! :)  I love him so much, he is the best :)  He is very supportive of me and always makes sure that I am taking care of myself, eating right and getting enough sleep :)  If you would like to send him a msg his email is

Okay so that is all for now!


Lyra and T-Rex :)
oh wait wait, I just remembered, I felt some weirdness in my tummy today :)  I dunno what it was but I think there was a tiny bit of movement today :)

1 comment:

  1. Lrya, Hope and I just LOVE your Blog!! It is soooo great to be able to keep up to date on how you are doing. We are so happy to hear that you and Trex are doing welL. Yes!! I am very proud of you for what you have accomplished, your great attitude and especially for being the loving, caring person you are. Love you! Miss you!! Hugs Dad and Hope
