Sunday, 15 May 2011

Because when the forecast says rain and the doctor says pain you just keep on givin'er...

Oh heyyy didn't see ya there.. 

It is sunday afternoon, just having a bit of lunch and studyin away for my RN exam.  It is on June 1st, ugh, I have A LOT to study.  Kinda sucks but as soon as it is over I will not have to write it again... yayayayay! I booked my flight and my hotel in St. John's for when I have to go write the exam.  I booked to go a day early because apparently one time a girl wasn't able to make it because there is only one flight a day from here to St. John's and it was canceled due to weather, I didn't want to take any chances. So I leave on May 30th and return the 2nd.  Annnddd if all goes according to plan then I will know if Rexxie is a baby boy or baby girl so I can maybe buy some cute little outfitssss :) And a new cell phone which I need before I can change my number to a local one... because I have to like press numbers on my phone, including some of the ones that don't work.. ne way its a huge hassle, annnnddd since I have a PO Box as a mailing address I can't order a new phone offline because Telus doesn't ship to PO Box's...  go figure.  But ne way.. it is sweet because work pays for my flight, food, hotel and cabs, so yay free shopping trip :)  I am looking forward to that, besides the exam that determines my fate.. :( 

This pic is me right now, eating and studying and blogging :)  

Since I wrote my last post the other St. FX nurses and I signed up for this supper that was organized for the nurses at the hospital to celebrate nurse's week.  We all thought that it was a good opportunity to meet some of the other nurses, you know see and be seen.  It turned out to be really fun, the food was good, and prizes were awarded (I didn't get one :( sad face), and we got to be in a bog group picture that will be in the nurse's union flyer or magazine or something like that.  COOOLL!! 

After that Sarah and I went for a little walk around the town so that I could take some picture and stuff.  Across the street from where we are staying is the harbor so we went down there and got some pics, I thought it was really creepy down there, I think I have a phobia of waterrrrrr... and apparently it is really deep... eek that scares me!!  3 people have gone missing from the town in the past couple years and they think they must have fallen in the water.. dear God, please let that not be me, Amen. 
That is also where Mr. Polar bear drowned 15 years ago, and now he is in the public library to scare all the poor nurses who look for places to study... 

Also this week Sarah and I have been trying to figure out our living situation.  We were told when we came that we would be getting our own apartments, eventually and that we wouldn't have to move more like 3 months.  Turns out we will probably have to move this week coming.. which sucks. We are having some problems with people in the housing dept. not being very helpful, they say that when we move this week we will be moving into a double again, it is "tiny" so the woman says, the rooms "don't have enough room for a double bed, haha", and that there is so other place for Sarah to move into from there.  So we have been trying to explain that I have a baby on the way and will need my own place but the lady says, "oh well I don't think there is a place for ya"..  okay??  And, when asked if we could have help moving our stuff to the new place there wasn't ne help offered for that.  OKay... sweet.. NAWT!!  And when we asked why we couldn't stay where we are now.. where we are happy we were told that there is a pharmacist coming and she is pregnant so she needs a double apt. ...  well thats funny because I thought that I was too, but apparently not.. ??  
So this whole situation is kind of stressful, I'm trying not to worry and just trust that everything will work out but its kind of hard and frustrating when it feels like people aren't taking you seriously and don't care about your situation. I have decided to go and talk to a women in the human resources dept. that I was speaking with over the phone before I came and try to get some answers through them because I really don't want to go back to the housing dept.  the woman is really rude and really seems not to care :(  
I was thinking about maybe trying to find an apt. of my own that is not housing that the hospital offers but there really is nothing in the community available, there are new duplex's being built one finishing in June and the other Sept. but there is a waiting list for both :(  and it is farther away from the hospital so I would have to buy a car and it would be a lot more expensive to live.. :(  Sooooo, ugh, this all kinda sucks but I have decided to just think positive and take things one day at a time and try not to worry about anything, cuz we definitely don't want to stress cute little T-Rex out!!  Positive energy only! :) 

Here are some pictures of my apartment now, I really love it and since I will be moving soon I figured I would share it with you :)  

I am also starting to hear talk about how hard it is to find child care here too, especially where I'm a nurse  and will need child care through the night...  eek.  Apparently there was a nurse who had a baby and couldn't find child care and so she had to take an extended maternity leave and then ended up needing her mom to take care of baby when she went back to work because there was nobody else.  Sooooo..  here is another thing that I am kind of starting to worry about too.  I know it is a long way away at this point, but I do feel like I will have to start looking soon, maybe get my name in some places because there is probably long waiting lists for child care as well as everything else.  I really hope that everything works out!! :(  I am starting to realize how far away I am from all my friends and family, and how much that is needed when having a baby.. :(  It makes me really home sick!! :( I know the best thing to do is not to worry and just do what you can do and trust that things will work out.. so that is what I will do. I think that when I have my apt. with the nurse on Tuesday night I will raise some of these concerns with her and see if she can help. I actually met her at church today, so that is sweet she seems really nice and I think that she will be a good resource for me! Also I will start working on the maternity unit tomorrow and I am sure that will give me a lot of connections and support as well. So I will wait and see what happens :) 

Though there are a few things that I have concerns about I am still really happy, I am so excited to start on the floor tomorrow and really get into the nursing aspect of training. :)  I really hope that I will like my co-workers and they will like me too :)  I get my shipment of stuff which has most of my belongings on tuesday so I am excited about that too :). 

I took a picture of my supper the other night, mostly to show Corey that I am eating healthy :)  I made chicken alfredo with spinach, broccoli, peppers, mushrooms and onions... yummmmmyyyy :)

Things coming up this week:  1. Work begins in OBS
2. I get my stuffffffff, finally :)
3. Hopefully get something in the mail from Corey!!! <3 :) 
4. Healthy Baby Club- learning about pain control and positioning during labor. 
5. Appointment with public health nurse
6. Moving to a new apartment
7.  Maybe baby T-Rex will start moving around in there :) 

Prayer Requests: 1. Living situation; that I will find a place that I am happy living, close to work and not too expensive
2. Child care :) 
3. That baby T-Rex will continue to grow and develop properly and will be perfect in every way :) hehe 

Okay that is all for now!!!   Much love, 

Lyra and T-Baby!!! :)


  1. Hey Lyra Girl
    You are an awesome blogger!!! (so what if you're the only one I know - you are still the best!!!) Your Mom passed on your address - so I'm officially a follower now - does that make me a 'groupie'?? Yup it does - right?
    You sound incredibly organized - good for you. It is not your fault if others are not - but it sure does make your life more challenging!! Taking some form of action does help to reduce stress - as you have done by talking to people etc, and after that - focus on the things you can effect, or problem solve another action you can take to get people doing what you need them to do!! remember as cranky and rude as they are - you show them how sweet you can be - then you'll get the rep as "that little sweet heart from NS" ands you know what they say about 'honey attracting more....ummm can't remember the rest - but you know what I mean- right?? Rise above girl!!!
    'Auntie' Pam (that's for Trex's sake!!!)

  2. Hey Lyra, I luv your attitude!! Keep thinking positively. Hope and I pray for you every day. Love you!! Dad

  3. LYRA! I can't wait til rex moves!! I am thinking only happy thoughts for you hoping you get your living situation all figured out this week!! I can't wait til we find out what rex is!! OMG!!! I love you very much!! ps: you definately have a phobia of water that is no lie... lol....

  4. Thank guys!! Sorry it has been so long since I have written, more to come! :)
