Thursday, 14 July 2011

LIFE is Awesome!!!! :)

Being able to wear my RN pin to work for the first time is AWESOME!!!
Signing my name as Lyra Burke, RN for the first time is AWESOME!!!
FINALLY getting my results back from my RN exam and it saying PASS on it is AWESOME!!!

So Obviously I am very happy about that!  I found out just as I was leaving out the door to go to work tonight.  Most of us had not heard yet because the mail was backed up because of the strike so the school of nursing emailed us and let us know.  They had gotten word way back on the 5th!! So anyway, that was a really good part of my day!! :)  Everyone from school that I have heard of so far has passed so that is very good and I am so proud of all the new RNs from St.FX and really all over, all the hard work, sweat and many tears have finally paid off!  YAY!
(Georgia- I'm going to have to start that crossword you sent me now, because clearly I am a super genius! :)

So, what else is new..??

I had my monthly check-up last wednesday, nothing really new to report, I have gained a total of 15 pounds now so far, which I think is just about perfect!  Felt little baby's heart beat again :) That is always my favorite part!  So this week is 25 weeks, wow I can't believe it!  I still kinda in disbelief that I am even pregnant, and going to have a baby!  I'm sure it will all sink in October 24th when I am actually holding the little monkey. Corey and I will be looking at baby and then looking at each other thinking "what the heck did we do?!?!?!"  But of course I am so very excited and am trying not to wish away the time before baby is born.

I had a very lovely surprise one day when I was checking the mail for my RN results.  I got a huge package in the mail from Georgia!!!  It was AWESOME!!  I definitely have to add that to my list of things that are awesome; getting care packages in the mail... because it is amazzzziiinnnnggg!  Especially this one!  It had so many clothes and things for TRex, sour patch kids which are clearly the best!!  Face masks for Sarah and I to have a girls/spa night, a crossword, a beautiful card, and I am probably forgetting some other stuff... but any way, it was all really great and I was so excited to get home and open it, and now even more excited for little baby TRex to wear all the stuff :)  yay!

Another thing that is AWESOME is... long phone chats with people that you haven't talked to in a while.  I love catching up with friends and family that I haven't talked to in like a month or so, hearing about all the weird and wonderful things that they have been doing since the last time we spoke.  I miss everyone soooo much!  It will be VERY AWESOME when I get to come to my various homes and see you all again!!  Feels very soon!

So anyway, there really is nothing else to report, work is going pretty good.  I have good days and bad days, but that is very normal.  We were told this year in school that as a new grad there will be experiences that you will have that will boost your confidence as an RN and you will feel great, like you are really capable and all that, and then something will happen that will take all of your confidence away and you start back at square one.  It really sucks but I know that everyone goes through it when they are starting out, and even throughout the first year or 2, before you get the experience and confidence... I can't wait for that... some days I seriously dread going to work, but then by the end of the day I realize that it was a really good day, and my comfort level begins to slowly rise again.  It helps to talk to my roommate and other nurses about it... Sarah and I will kill ourselves laughing at all the terrible things that happened at work that week, it's funny in retrospect, and it helps to laugh at ourselves, we realize that it really isn't as bad as we first thought and that anyone could have made the same mistake.  And Corey as always has a way of making me feel like I'm the best, smartest and most capable person in the whole world, so that helps too :)  I really am lucky to have such supportive friends and family!

So yea I guess that is all.  I am happy happy happy, even when I'm feeling kinda blue I still can't help but be happy and smile because there are so many things that I am looking forward to and am thankful for.  Being away from all of my loved ones I really realize how much you all mean to me.  Even when I was at school I still had so many friends around and was busy with school work that I never had time to really miss anyone like I do now.  :)

Thanks everyone for being so great, I love you all very much!  And TRex loves you all already, even though he/she doesn't know you yet :)


Lyra and TRex <3

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