Thursday, 6 October 2011

A leap of faith

Deep thoughts with Lyra and TRex:

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path-- and that will make all the difference."

This is a quote from Steve Jobs when he delivered the Commencement address at Stanford University in 2005. As you all probably know, Steve Jobs was co-founder and CEO of Apple and in the late 1970-1980's helped create the first personal computer, the Macintosh. He also invented the computer graphics series that would be used by PIXAR Animation Studios to create animated films such as Toy Story and Finding Nemo. He remained CEO of PIXAR until it was bought out by Disney in '96 at which time he was primary stareholder and served on the board of directors.  In August 2011 Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple and on October 5, 2011 Apple announced his death at age 56. (This is just a snap shot, short version obviously so for more info if interested, google it).

Last night when I opened up my web browser was when I heard the news about the passing of Steve Jobs.  Now of course Mr. Jobs is not a personal acquaintance of mine but I do feel like I have personally gained from this man's accomplishments. Examples: every blog I write is from an Apple computer, every phone call from an I Phone (also Apple), and as of late, filling much of my time watching animated films created by PIXAR Studios.  But as nature has it, nothing makes one more interested in a person's life than their death.  So when learning that he had died I was naturally interested in learning a little bit more about his life, and that is when I came across this video:   I encourage you to watch it.  Everything he says is quote worthy and inspirational; from his humble beginnings to his perseverance through many challenges that life threw his way. Not only was this man clearly a creative genius and visionary but he also was so wise and seemed to "have it all figured out".

Although the entire video spoke to me, it was the fist story he told that hit home for me most of all.  The quote at the top of the page is narrative of my life (as well as everyone else's) and especially as of late. I remember when I first found out that I was pregnant I thought that there was no possible way that I could or would have at baby at this point in my life.  Of course in the past when I thought of having a baby I pictured myself married, with lots of money, a job, a house, a car, more than -$30, 000 in my bank account.  And the things that I would have done before I had kids;  travel, gone back for a master's degree (at least), spent a lot of money on expensive clothes, bought my mom something really cool, payed off student loans, changed the world...   Basically I was afraid to have the baby because it would force my life into another direction; far from the one that I had planned and mapped out in my mind for many years. And of course not to mention, what would people think? My family who  were so proud of me for so many things- what if they were disappointed?  What if they would think I was a failure??  Upon making the decision to bring a baby into the world, Corey and I also made decisions about jobs that would take us both in opposite directions (literally and figuratively), one to WHITECOURT ALBERTA- to live with a random family and work in a field that he had no knowledge or experience, and ST. ANTONY NEWFOUNDLAND, middle of nowhere, "can you find it on a map?" to begin a career as a nurse (hopefully I pass my RN exam)- How's that for "off the well worn path"??

"Your time is limited.  So don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma- which is living with the results of other people's thinking.  Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice.  And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition; they somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary" -Steve Jobs

I have never been so satisfied and content with a decision.  I always told myself- don't let any choice you make be decided in fear. Who knew that when I (Corey and I) made the decision to go head with the pregnancy that I would be following advice that I wouldn't get until 6 months down the road... by a dead man who invented my computer.  I think that this counts as connecting the dots looking backwards...

How did your appt. go??:

Since my last post I have had 2 ante-natal appointments. They all consist of the same thing. First: I have had one weekly since the whole threatened pre-term labour fiasco, and Two: I get out on the CTG monitor for 30 mins each visit as well to track the baby's heart beat, movements and contractions, if they are present. The last 2 appointments went really well!! I only had one contraction on the CTG each time which is sweet :)  Just normal Braxton Hicks.  And the baby's heart rate is great, with the proper amount of excelerations. BALLIN'!!  I also have bi-weekly ultrasounds that were ordered to keep a close eye on the baby's growth, and the amount of fluid- just because I measure small, so the doctor wants to make sure that the baby has enough room to grow and move :) All good so far.  Next week I will have another one, so I will update you all on that when I have it :)  Oh and P.S. I am now 152 lbs, like holy cow, I am a cow!!  I've gained over my goal of 30 lbs... so I was kinda like that sucks, but then again I was like  "GO TREX"- because he/she is the coolest and clearly getting tons of food and nutrients :)

What else is new?:

#1.  MY MOM IS COMING ON MONDAY!!  yay!  Mommy is coming to keep me and TRex company and hopefully even be here for when TRex is born.  YAYAY!  I am so excited!!!  Although the weather has recently taken a turn for the worst; it was snowing and storming all day yesterday!! I am hoping that it will be nice when mom is here so we can do fun activities outside. I am very excited for her to come to baby club with me, and my appt. and ultrasound!!  That will be the MOST exciting!  And also just to spend some quality time, and maybe if I'm lucky I can recruit her to help me work on my baby blanket-  which is coming along so beautifully but still requires many more hours of work :(
So that is the biggest news!!

#2:  My friends had a wonderful baby shower for me last thursday night! :)  It was so great!  I got so much great stuff!  I got things for bath time, like soap and face clothes, and towels and a blanket, fuzzy sleepers and slippers and all that wonderful stuff.  Also my roommate being the amazing person she is got me a car seat!!  Which is the best thing ever and she is so kind and generous for doing that!!  I also got a really beautiful quilt that was made by a local woman, it is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait for TRex to have so much fun sleeping and playing on it :)  I also got a lot of other amazing presents for TRex, it was really great, but I think that the best part was spending time with my beautiful friends here, I love them so much! :)  Oh and it was a potluck and I ate so much food that I was full until the next day... at which time I ate left overs... haha

Balloons :)

The cake :)

My beautiful friends :)

Genista and I <3

Nikki and I <3

Sarah and I <3

Desiree and I <3

Crystal and I <3

Joanne and I <3  She hosted the party at her house (thanks!!)

Samantha and I <3

Mary-Ann and I <3

Oh, just me and TRex!!!!

Moosey strapped in and ready to go!

Sarah, Nikki and Moosey- practicing how to use the car seat

The quilt!!  :)

#3. Only 2 weeks (from tuesday) until Corey gets here!!!  Yay!!!  He gets here on October 18th and I am so beyond excited I can't even contain myself!  I can't even really talk about it because I am way too pumped so I'll just say this... kahfkadhsfkhasdfhkashdfkhasdfhasdfjasdlfjowejhegadksnfaksjdfasjdfljasdh and hope that explains everything.  Oh and this is how excited TRex is to meet Daddy: alsjdfkhasdfhiwehfiggfakjsdhfkajsdfkhakjsh!!%!&^%!*^!*&!(&!^!&%!^$!^%$!&^!(*&!)!)*!_*!)(*!(&!*&%!^$#$%@!%^!*&)!*.   Okay that just about covers it I guess :)

So yea, to sum everything up:

It is getting so close to my due date, it is hard to believe!  I have been feeling good but my ribs are having a hard time finding room, and I went on a hike the other day that turned out to be like 1.5 hrs, and then after that I went on another walk...  I was in a lot of pain and discomfort after that...  so no more hikes until Corey gets here because I was kinda scared I was going to like go into labour or something lol. I have been filling my time with fun activities and hanging out with lots of friends, and having a lot of fun!  I got my hair cut, FINALLY!  It had been like 5 months haha.

Okay I think that is all for me, these posts always turn out to be a lot longer than I mean them to... but I hope you like them :)

Until next time,
"Stay fit and have fun!"-Hal Johnson and Joanne McCloud

-Lyra and TRex

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